“Enact Climate Change law,” prods Abel Musumali

Emg Collins Nzovu with Florence Jedidiah Mulenga of STEM Foundation


Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance Zambia prods Members of Parliament to support the enactment of the Climate Change Bill into law.


Speaking when he appeared at a Caucus Group on Members of Parliament on Environment and Climate Change, Alliance National Coordinator Abel Musumali says this will allow more protection and mitigation of Climate change effects.


During the discussion, other related issues were raised such as droughts, Forest Act, 2023 budget implications, Key findings from the Baseline survey on Climate Smart Agriculture/Conservation Farming and Cop27 among others.


Musumali enactment of a climate change law in parliament will provide a legal framework to deal with climate change issues in Zambia such as, strengthen coordination of the response to climate change; enhance the regulation of carbon markets including ensuring environmental integrity and benefit sharing in the proceeds of the carbon markets with local communities.

In response, the Secretary General of the Caucus Group on Environment and Climate Change Nickson Chilangwa has told the Alliance to start preparing and mobilising as they wait to table the bill in Parliament in the first quarter of 2023 with a plea to allow more members of Parliament understand, hold a bigger and inclusiveness stakeholders meeting with over

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