Lumezi District Commissioner Lufeyo Ngoma

Lumezi District Commissioner Lufeyo Ngoma says government has prioritized gender equality in its development programs as envisioned in its development plans citing the formulation and implementation of the 2000 and 2014 gender policies

LUMEZI, 08-03-2024, ZANIS——–As the Country marks International Women’s Days, Lumezi District Commissioner Lufeyo Ngoma has observed that ensuring gender equity and equality is critical for the development of the country.

Mr. Ngoma says over the years, the government has prioritized gender equality in its development programs as envisioned in its development plans citing the formulation and implementation of the 2000 and 2014 gender policies.

Speaking during the commemoration of International Women’s Day Friday afternoon Mr. Ngoma called for unity and support towards girl child’s Access to Education.

“gender equity and equality are critical to the development of the Country. Over the years, the government has prioritized it in its development programs as envisioned in the development plans. To achieve this the government has formulated and implemented the 2000 and 2014 National Gender Policies,” he said.

Mr. Ngoma said the Gender Equity and Equality Act of 2015 is designed to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, empower them, and achieve gender equity and equality.

This year’s theme for Women’s Day is “Invest in Women and Girls: Accelerate progress” and the District Commissioner underscored the need to rise up and protect women and Girls by rooting out all forms of Gender-Based Violence.

“As a district, it is imperative that we unite and stand in support of the girl child’s access to quality education. We must collectively reject Child marriages, sexual exploitation, and the alarming increase in defilement cases and instances of sexual and Gender-Based Violence,” said Mr. Ngoma.

He said the government has demonstrated leadership by prioritizing investment in women and girls by embarking on the Girls Education and Women Empowerment and Livelihoods for Human Capital (GEWEL 2) project that will run from 2024 to 2029.

“This project has a complement called Keeping Girls in School and Beyond which aims at increasing access to secondary school education for the poor and supporting drop-outs as well as graduating girls to access employment and livelihood opportunities such as grants and vocational training.

And Mr. Ngoma also emphasized that investing in women should be everyone’s responsibility. – /ZANIS/Lumenzi District

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