Joseph Mwansa’s The Source Book Launched and Live

Musonda Joseph Mwansa's The Source Book Launched and Live

Musonda Joseph Mwansa’s The Source Book Launched and Live

Greetings to you,

Firstly, thank you for all the reviews I received for The Source. I am truly humbled and grateful. I want to apologize for the delay in publishing, I had some issues with getting the paperback approved by Amazon.

Musonda Joseph Mwansa’s The Source Book Launched

You can get a paperback copy for yourself by visiting:

Musonda Joseph Mwansa’s The Source Book Launched and Live

To get yourself a copy and donate to someone who can’t afford please visit:

The Community book launch update

The launch we had in Zambia was really successful and the kids loved it. Check out the attached pictures.

You can watch the full video here:


Musonda Joseph Mwansa’s The Source Book Launched and Live

Thank you for your support once again.

Musonda Joseph Mwansa founder Global Empowers Pty Ltd

Joseph Mwansa | Founder
Global Empowers Pty Ltd
mobile:  +61449756094

About The Author

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