Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane and Mr. Johan Hallenborg Restructuring preach Institutional Development Programme Phase Seven (RIDP VII) between the GRZ and Sweden


Speech by Hon. Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Minister of Finance and National Planning, during the signing ceremony of the Restructuring and Institutional Development Programme Phase Seven (RIDP VII) between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and Sweden

Friday 2nd December, 2022, 15:00 hours

• His Excellency, Mr. Johan Hallenborg , Swedish Ambassador to Zambia,
• The Acting Auditor General
• The Acting Secretary to the Treasury
• Permanent Secretaries Present
• Senior Government Officials and Officials from the Swedish Embassy,
• The Media
• Ladies and gentlemen

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this signing ceremony of the Restructuring and Institutional Development Programme Phase Seven (RIDP VII) grant agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and Sweden. The Agreement being signed today is supporting the Office of the Auditor General with the implementation of the Office of the Auditor General 2022-2026 Strategic plan.

Zambia and Sweden share a common desire of ensuring economic prosperity and improvement of public reforms. This is evidenced by the continued economic cooperation that the two countries have sustained over the years. The Swedish government has been supporting the Government through the Restructuring and Institutional Development Programme (RIDP) with the aim of improving capacity of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) and ensure its operations are in line with International Auditing Standards and best practices.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Allow me to recognize the achievements made so far in the Restructuring and Institutional Development Programme (RIDP). The Programme has, among others been, instrumental in Zambia in the following areas:

i. Providing support towards the productions of various reports of the Auditor
General; ii. Increasing the audit coverage of the OAG; iii. Customization of the OAG’s Finance and Compliance audit manuals which enabled the OAG to conduct quality work in conformity with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs);
iv. Procurement of ICT equipment and five (5) motor vehicles; and
v. Development and implementation of the audit management system.
The Government appreciates the support that Sweden continues to render in the implementation of public reforms.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Restructuring and Institutional Development Programme (RIDP) which we have signed today, will definitely continue to strengthen the development cooperation between Zambia and Sweden.

The total cost of the Programme is SEK 37 Million Kronor or close to U$D 3.5 Million dollars. The key deliverables of the Programme will be the following:

i. Improve audit services; ii. Improve stakeholder engagement; iii. Enhance resource mobilization and management; iv. Improve operational systems and procedures; v. Enhance human capital; and vi. Improve infrastructure, tools and equipment.

I want to assure the Government of Sweden that the Government of the Republic of Zambia will remain committed to ensuring that this Programme is successfully implemented.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As I conclude, I wish to express government’s profound gratitude to the Government of Sweden for its continued support over the years. The Government of the Republic of Zambia values your support and looks forward to further cooperation.

I thank you.

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