Charles Chanda’s UPPZ 15-point solution will revive Zambia’s poor economy

Chanda at his emeralds mine 1

UPPZ President Mr. Charles Chanda advises ECZ to call for fresh Mandevu parley nominations

By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province

In a Saturday 26th June 2021, only 47 days’ remain before Thursday 12th August 2021, when United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda will be voted as the Seventh (7th) Republican President of Zambia.

Backed by Running Mate, Simon Katimba Mbulu, Mr. Chanda  reiterates that  the UPPZ Government will constitutionally each Zambian a piece of land from Friday 13th August 2022, as citizenship is meaningless once one lacks such an inalienable privilege.

As a practical citizen, years before seeking office, Chanda has effectively alleviated housing poverty, through implementing access to affordable land to all citizens, regardless of one’s social-economic status.

Currently campaigning on a ‘One National Registration Card (NRC) for One Plot’ policy, Chanda says there access to land is non-negotiable citizenship right.

“When I am voted into office on Friday 13th August 2021, land will rain on Zambian citizens. Zambia is land and you cannot be a Zambian without having a piece of land. Here is the deal, between Friday 13th August 2021 and Saturday 13th August 2022, my Government will allocate 2 million Zambians with plots. One NRC One Plot’,” assured Chanda, seeking the Zambian presidency with.

According to Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA) statistics, the approximately 20 million Zambian population spread in ten (10) provinces; Central Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western is governed by only 1, 896 politicians translated as 116 Mayors, 1,624 Councilors and 156 Members of Parliament (MPs).

Dr Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda blessing Leo Madalisto Musukwa and wife Esther Chanda Musukwa Saturday 19th December 2020

And has 288 Chiefs; our (4) Paramount Chiefs, forty-three (43) Senior Chiefs and 241 ordinary coordinated through the House of Chiefs (HOC) established under Article 169 of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016.

The HOC with fifty (50) members, Provincial Council of Chiefs  nominating five (5)representatives with a five (5) year mandate meets twice a year, though a Head of State may summon it when need arises.

“It is really heart-breaking when you look at the status of our traditional leaders in Zambia. We must reward our chiefs accordingly as every citizen with an NRC, claims to come from a village in a particular chiefdom. I am not happy that Councillors, Council Chairpersons, Mayors, Members of Parliament (MP’s), are more respected and rewarded handsomely,” Chanda regretted.

Since formation, half-a decade ago (5 years), Chanda  on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 in Pretoria, South Africa, as a diverse civic awareness and political platform uniting the nation whose clearly spelt goal is fixing the economy through improving tax collection, removal of a class society, increasing access to land, educating citizens and earning more from minerals.

UPPZ has been firm on restoration of morals and family values in line with Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.

The UPPZ leadership has placed high premium on the Bill of Rights, decent housing, modernizing markets, encouraging small scale businesses, decongesting cities through elaborate transportation, establishing a Manufacturing and Industrial Development Ministry, regulating liquor selling hours and informal sector participation in economy and with certainty granting tax relief to civil servants.

…as articulated earlier, in a Tuesday, October 25, 2016 in Pretoria, South, Launch Speech, UPPZ President Chanda saw the United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia birth as a historic day  expressed in the Zambian Anthem “Stand and sing of Zambia Proud and Free”.

Stressing that UPPZ resolve to restoring lost dignity and authority of our men and women in uniforms now in the hands of political cadres regretted that parental liberation sacrifices are buried under ground with a coffin.

“This day will be remembered as a day a novice in politics raised a voice against the non-performance of two very important institutions namely the Bank of Zambia and the Zambia Revenue Authority which has led to Zambia being a borrower whilst feeding other nations. Sadly, Zambians have Independence but not Independent

Why formation of UPPZ two months after the election?

Responded Chanda: “Our country is at a cross road and the future uncertain. We are coming from a very hating and hurting election that has produced victims and victors of almost equal in size. By so saying I am implying that one group has won whilst the other groups lost. We have a challenge to bring the nation together and hence we have seen the importance of occupying the position of unifier,” pledged Chanda in reference to the UPPZ 15-point sector based intervention”.

UPPZ 15-Point Solutions

1 UPPZ first goal is to unite the nation.

  1. Revive limping economy; improve underperforming Central Bank and Zambia Revenue Authority
  2. LAND CRISIS; UPPZ to create one class in land management, out of five classes of Zambians
  3. Zambian Indians
  4. Zambian Lebanese
  5. Zambian Chinese
  6. Zambian Politicians
  7. Ordinary Zambian
  8. EDUCATIONAL CRISIS; UPPZ to remove pyramid structure of education by encouraging failed and dropped out of school to return as grade 7 and 9 failures are confined to poverty?
  9. CARE FOR THE MINERS AND THEIR FAMILIES; transportation of copper given to the miners, use income to educate children.
  10. RESTORATION OF OUR MORAL AND FAMILY VALUES! Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. UPPZ will introduce a subject for grades 1-9 called Cultural, Moral and Religious Studies.
  11. HAVE A SOCIETY WITHOUT VIOLENT CADRES Whilst not infringing in anyone’s right as expressed in the Bill of Rights, UPPZ will labour to ensure that all political organization have disciplined, well behaved and well informed followers that understand the manifesto for their parties.
  12. EDUCATION A PRIORITY; bursaries to deserving rural learners, protect the girl child in rural areas to mitigate early childhood marriages, provide educational loans to tertiary students, introduce a back to school campaign for all drop outs, give an opportunity to those who fail and Open Vocational schools for learners who cannot cope with formal school
  13. INTRODUCE URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAMME ; rebuild compounds by introducing three story decent housing structures– help create space amid scarcity of land

10 MODERNIZE MARKETS; UPPZ will modernize markets so that they have the standard that Malls have.

  1. SUPPORT SMALL SCALE BUSINESSMEN AND WOMEN; Encourage small scale businessmen and women to form associations to ease government interventions.

In my first five years in government, opportunities to small businessmen and women who are have never done business with government but are compliant with our Tax laws.

  1. TRANSPORT SECTOR; Private Transporters Minibus Operators; and limit buses and taxis one can own and operate, re-introduce Zambia Airways.
Chanda at the emeralds mine 2

Public Transport –re-introduce public transport managed by the council

Commercial Transport in the Mining Sector to regulate trucks people outside the mining sector can own and introduce a pension scheme of the mines to control the transport sector

Commercial Transport in the Agricultural Sector will encourage youths in each province to form cooperative to access finance

  1. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES ; 51 years after independence, UPPZ will set up a Ministry to deal specifically with Manufacturing and Industrial Development.
  2. LEAD THE NATION TO HARD WORK AND ELIMINATE LAZY TENDENCIES; regulate liquor selling hours and places- sold after working hours (17:30-2230) and only in designated places.
  3. INCREASING THE TAX BASE STRATEGY OF THE UPPZ; engage informal sector to participate positively in economy to contribute to fiscal policy “.

    Charles Chanda with Running Mate Simon Katimba Mbulu


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