Zambian Children, Young People, and Women in Development (ZCYPWD)
Zambian Children, Young People, and Women in Development (ZCYPWD) was established in 2011 as a weekly discussion forum on Pan African Radio 105.1FM, with the theme “All People, Proud and Free.” Since then, it has evolved into an interactive platform for feminists on Pan African Radio 96.1FM, themed “The Voice of Africa.” The organization provides a space for individuals and groups to share their stories and advertise their work.
ZCYPWD’s panels discuss various topics, including mental health, and encourage open debate. The organization collaborates with reputable partners, including Action Aid Zambia, the Ministry of Information and Media, the Ministry of Health, the Cabinet Office, The Goat Media Centre, Media Network for Child Rights and Development (MNCRD), and individual experts like Emmanuel Chikoya, Henry Kabwe, Wanga Zulu, and John Njovu.
To promote literacy among youth, participants publish weekly articles in The Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited (RNZL) and the ZCYPWD Kwilanzi Newspaper Zambia (KNZ). The organization’s work is available online at ( and (